Together we make the world beautiful/ gorgeous!
One year post-operative follow-up care

We continue to support you every in step on your way to a new "YOU” before and after surgery! With all our treatments, you are in safe hands with a one-year guarantee of post-operative follow-up care with an expert! Start your journey to a new "YOU" now!

List of Procedures

Breast Enlargement

Breast augmentation is a surgical change in the shape and/or size of the female breast.


Face lift is the most effective and permanent method of facial rejuvenation by removing sagging and deep lines.


The goal of nose correction is an aesthetic as well as a functional nose shape. Rhinoplasty allows patients to have an easier breathing process and gives them a beautiful nose shape.


Liposuction, or “lipo”, slims and reshapes specific areas, such as subcutaneous fat pockets, by removing excess deposits and improving your body contours and proportion.

Arm- and Thigh Lift Surgery

This medical procedure reduces excess sagging skin that droops downward. Brachioplasty tightens and smoothes the underlying supportive tissue that defines the shape of the arm and leg. With the Arm- and Leg Lift surgery reduces localized pockets of fat in the upper arm region.

Eyelid surgery / Blepharoplasty

Eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, is a surgical procedure to improve and correct the functional problems of the eyelids.

Tummy Tuck

Tummy tuck surgery, or abdominoplasty, removes excess fat and skin. In most cases restores weekend or separated muscles creating an abdominal structure that has smoother and firmer appearance.

Lip Augmentation

Lip Augmentation or Lip Filler is a common (filling) method that creates fuller lips without incisions. The goal of this cosmetic procedure is to add volume to thinning lips and creating more youthful appearance through the use of certain filling materials by injecting the so-called fillers either into the inside of the lip or onto the lip frame.

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Calculate Your Body Mass Index

Your BMI Result:
The World Health Organisation considers a BMI of less than 18.5 a sign of underweight and may indicate malnutrition, an eating disorder or other health problems.
The normal BMI for a healthy person is between 18.5 and 24.9.
People whose BMI is higher than 25 might face a risk of overweight. It can also be classified as obesity.
People with a BMI higher than or equal to 30, are considered as obese. This type of obesity is classified as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that can cause serious harm to health.
Your BMI may not be suitable for plastic surgery. Click here and fill out the contact form,we will get in touch with you for detailed information.
People with a BMI higher than or equal to 35, are considered as obese. This type of obesity is classified as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that can cause serious harm to health.
Your BMI may not be suitable for plastic surgery. Click here and fill out the contact form,we will get in touch with you for detailed information.
People with a BMI higher than or equal to 40, are considered as obese. This type of obesity is classified as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that can cause serious harm to health.
Your BMI may not be suitable for plastic surgery. Click here and fill out the contact form,we will get in touch with you for detailed information.